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Showing posts from December, 2017

A "Wrinkle" in Time (pun intended)

First things first. I need to just touch on this span of time that has gone by in a wink of an eye. A span of time that has taught me some valuable life lessons along with some tough love, and thankfully moments of pure joy. A decade. An entire decade. This is the amount of time that has gone by since I first started dabbling in documenting my experiences with cosmetics, skincare, and fragrances! Whoa, geez! So much has happened over the past decade. An experience of broken bone hell (you can read all about it at: diary of my broken ankle hell ), degrees earned (SpEd teaching credential and Masters Degree), careers started (from freelance makeup artist to high school special education RSP teacher), purchased and built a new home, my awesome sassy pants daughter graduated from high school and eventually moved on to study marketing in the beauty industry at FIDM (a girl after my own heart!),  a sweetheart son who recently turned eighteen and is on the verge of graduating high school...