So, what a crazy last couple weeks this has been. Many events have occurred that have left me in a serious tailspin. From being surrounded by fires, having my home become a safe haven for Grandma until she could go home, the kids out of school due to poor air quality….not to mention a Halloween party, carving pumpkins, Halloween makeup, Trick or Treating, the Harvest Festival, cheer-camp, two birthday dinners for some dear friends, some very special visitors and oh did I mention I also carry a full time job?! I’m exhausted all over again just writing down the list! So although the last couple of weeks have been trying I have also re-discovered a few beauty gems that I had not brought out for a while and I would love to share them with you!
First, the week of the fires was horrible. It was hard to breathe without my chest aching and my hair, skin, and nails really did not respond well to the poor air quality. After my hands became so dry by the end of the week I broke out my Rosebud Salve and started using it as an intense moisturizer for my hands. I had severe hangnails on almost every finger and decided to also dig out my cuticle oil—what a miracle that was. I wish I had a brand name for it but I don’t. It just comes in a tiny bottle with a cap with a brush on it. I brush the mango smelling oil onto my super dry cuticle and within a day my fingers were all healed up. Thank goodness too because I had a big wedding party that I did today and that would of looked horrible coming in with my fingers all dry and irritated—no bueno.
Next, my skin was a wreck….very dry. I started to use my six phase Isadermix system that I have and I swear my skin has never looked better. I will be posting on these products specifically in the very near future so I don’t want to go into to much detail tonight but basically it is a system that consists of Step 1—cleanser, Step 2—microdermabrasion, Step 3—toner, Step 4—Intense Vitamin C Serum, Step 5—Day time moisturizer with a SPF 30, and Step 6—Night time moisturizer. I am completely amazed at what these products have done. I’m totally hooked. And after I gave Grandma a facial while she was staying with me using those steps plus the Face and Neck Lift product all there is left for me to do is throw my hands up in the air and yell, “Hallelujah!” And Grandma totally felt the same way. She was speechless after the results of one cycle with these very awesome products! More to come later….. (Bet you can’t wait!)
Now that things have settled down a bit and my family are back in their homes and safe I could focus on Halloween. I love doing makeup for Halloween. Lots of glitter, foiled eyelashes, and breaking all the general rules (as far as makeup applications are concerned)! I can be such a rebel—I know. I had a good time doing my daughter, Belle’s makeup and her best friend, Annie on Halloween. They looked so cute as a graveyard fairy and a pirate. So cute! We had caked on glitter because we could not get enough of it. The eyeliner mixing medium from MAC was my best friend when it came to packing on that glitter! Check out me and my daughter at a Halloween party:
So that brings me to today. What a wonderful day it was. I had a great wedding party in which all the women were so sweet, kind, and beautiful (inside and out). My sister, Michele was there assisting me on the job and that made my day even that much better. My sister and my passion of doing makeup all together…what a glorious thing!
We had our Strobe Cream from MAC going full force. Those women looked absolutely radiant by the time we were done with them. We did very pretty and very different looks on each girl. I totally appreciated the willingness and great communication to ultimately achieve looks that everybody was satisfied with. I left that job feeling so energetic and excited knowing that those beautiful women were about to celebrate a party of a lifetime. And my bride was so sweet and absolutely stunning she could take anybody’s breath away. I wish her and her hubby all the best.
First things first. I need to just touch on this span of time that has gone by in a wink of an eye. A span of time that has taught me some valuable life lessons along with some tough love, and thankfully moments of pure joy. A decade. An entire decade. This is the amount of time that has gone by since I first started dabbling in documenting my experiences with cosmetics, skincare, and fragrances! Whoa, geez! So much has happened over the past decade. An experience of broken bone hell (you can read all about it at: diary of my broken ankle hell ), degrees earned (SpEd teaching credential and Masters Degree), careers started (from freelance makeup artist to high school special education RSP teacher), purchased and built a new home, my awesome sassy pants daughter graduated from high school and eventually moved on to study marketing in the beauty industry at FIDM (a girl after my own heart!), a sweetheart son who recently turned eighteen and is on the verge of graduating high school...